A semester (or has it been two already) ago, a Professor teaching Political Science at the College of the Bahamas, voiced his concerns that the Bahamian media in general, and the Tribune in particular, have agreed to a "honeymoon," during which they would write nothing negative about the College, its move towards university, its administrators and its president, Janyne Hodder. In return, Hodder's College promised them advertising dollars.
It cannot be denied that the papers were very quiet about COB, but a certain December editorial in the Tribune demonstrated just how much that paper has given up its role as a reporter of news and independent observer. Rather, it served as the ranting mouthpiece saying everything one might suspect Mrs. Hodder to think, even though she has the good sense and manners not to actually say it.
Today though takes the cake. Yesterday, the Union of Tertiary Educators of the Bahamas (UTEB) staged industrial action, teaching one large class under the almond tree in Chapter One's parking lot, while regular classes were cancelled this first day of the new semester. ZNS was there. The Guardian was there.* Others were, too, and we have reason to believe that the Tribune was there, as well. Certainly, they knew about it. UTEB had invited them to a press conference the day before, Hodder did a press conference that afternoon.
However, the January 12th, 2010 edition of the Tribune does not mention industrial action at the country's premier tertiary institution, soon-to-be national university. It is sad to see, how a once progressive newspaper has been allowed to become a mouthpiece of the oligarchy. The Tribune has truly become superfluous.
* Jasmin Bonimy. "Industrial Unrest Erupts at COB." The Nassau Guardian. http://www.thenassauguardian.com/national_local/317708046446164.php (Her command of the English language is limited, as is her understanding of the facts and circumstances, but at least the Guardian tries to report the stories that matter in this country.)
It cannot be denied that the papers were very quiet about COB, but a certain December editorial in the Tribune demonstrated just how much that paper has given up its role as a reporter of news and independent observer. Rather, it served as the ranting mouthpiece saying everything one might suspect Mrs. Hodder to think, even though she has the good sense and manners not to actually say it.
Today though takes the cake. Yesterday, the Union of Tertiary Educators of the Bahamas (UTEB) staged industrial action, teaching one large class under the almond tree in Chapter One's parking lot, while regular classes were cancelled this first day of the new semester. ZNS was there. The Guardian was there.* Others were, too, and we have reason to believe that the Tribune was there, as well. Certainly, they knew about it. UTEB had invited them to a press conference the day before, Hodder did a press conference that afternoon.
However, the January 12th, 2010 edition of the Tribune does not mention industrial action at the country's premier tertiary institution, soon-to-be national university. It is sad to see, how a once progressive newspaper has been allowed to become a mouthpiece of the oligarchy. The Tribune has truly become superfluous.
* Jasmin Bonimy. "Industrial Unrest Erupts at COB." The Nassau Guardian. http://www.thenassauguardian.com/national_local/317708046446164.php (Her command of the English language is limited, as is her understanding of the facts and circumstances, but at least the Guardian tries to report the stories that matter in this country.)